Autumn 2017 Newsletter – Second half of term

Posted: 5th December 2017

Autumn 2017 Newsletter – Second half of term

Welcome back after the half term break which we hope you all enjoyed.

Huge congratulations to all our new children who have settled in so brilliantly. We are all delighted and hope parents are too, as it is quite daunting for the children initially (and parents too!), but the children have proved extremely capable and we are having lots of fun together.

As you are all aware, we had to cancel the Pumpkin Party which had been planned for Tuesday 31st October. Unfortunately, not enough volunteers were available to help, but we do hope that everyone will be able to help us out with forthcoming events – the money we raise in our fundraising events is becoming more and more essential. Yvonka Wilkinson is keen to hear from all potential volunteers!

Our next event is this coming Sunday – our bonfire and fireworks party on 5th November from 4pm at Autumn Woods. Details have already been emailed out and tickets are still available to purchase. If you intend to come, you must purchase tickets by Friday 3rd November as we will not be selling tickets at the gate and only those with a ticket will be admitted. Please note there is absolutely no parking on site or in Muddy Lane – we ask you to park ‘prettily’ in the village or at the village hall as we do not wish to upset our neighbours by blocking drives etc.

There is a wreath making event coming up on 26th November but all tickets for this have now been sold. However, there will be a Christmas Market during the afternoon of the 26th from 2pm until 4pm to which everyone is invited. More details to come next week.

The Village Hall will be holding its Christmas tree lighting event on Sunday 10th December at 5pm – details of which will be posted nearer the time.

Our Nativity Play
Most important amongst the various planned events is our fabulous Nativity Play which the children love to put on for family and friends in the church. This year it will be on Wednesday 13th December at 10.30am so please make a note on your calendars and invite family and friends to come along to watch this special performance -and join us afterwards in the hall for refreshments. A letter will be distributed shortly to all families with more detailed information regarding this and other Christmas events.

Starting the Day
All of the children have been incredible with arriving and changing in preparation for the day. Thank you to everyone who has helped with this very important aspect of school life.

Please remember that if you are going to be late, or your child is not going to be coming in on their allotted day, to telephone the nursery (01428 658931 or on the mobile 07789 987280) before 9.30am as it is our statutory duty to know your child’s whereabouts if they are not with us as expected.

Next academic year (from September 2018) forms
These have been distributed to families of children who will be attending nursery next September. Please can we remind parents to complete and return these forms as soon as possible, to assist with allocating spaces to new families on our waiting list.

Forest School
The children are now venturing out in the Defenders more frequently to our base at Autumn Woods, dressed in their red suits and wellies. As the temperature is dropping, please can you ensure your children come with a full change of clothes, a hat, gloves and warm socks which will fit inside their wellies so they remain snuggly during these outings – we can always help them remove a layer if they become too warm. During the winter it does also get quite cold inside the hall as we continue to provide free-flow opportunities to the outside.

Nursery clothing
Thanks to everyone who has named all their children’s clothing, footwear, lunch boxes and water bottles – it has helped enormously with ensuring the correct items go home (or in some case, come back!) to the right child.

Parents Information Evening
Thank you to everyone who attended. It was a super turnout and we hope that you all found it useful.

Christmas cards
The Christmas cards delivery has arrived and your orders will be distributed during the coming days. Please check the reception area at pick up time.

Volunteers and Helper Rota
We have two volunteers who come most weeks: Inga Bauer, who attends Forest School sessions on Tuesdays and Natalie Hayden who helps out on Wednesdays. We are now in a position whereby the children are settled well enough for our Helper Rota to start up again. We welcome parents, carers, grandparents, aunties or uncles to come and help out for a morning – or even just a couple of hours – with play, art, preparation of snack, a spot of washing up and reading to the children before home time. If you feel able to help, we will be putting a sheet out next week for the remainder of the half term.

Fabulous Me vouchers, special family events etc.
Fabulous Me vouchers are in reception – do fill one in for your child to celebrate something they have done at home, however big or small, and these will be included in their profiles. Also, if you have a special, or family event, do bring in some photos for us to share at circle time.

Sunday 5th November: Fireworks party at Autumn Woods from 4pm
Sunday 26th November: Wreath making workshop in the morning followed by Christmas market from 2-4pm at Autumn Woods
Sunday 10th December: Christmas tree lighting at the Village Hall
Tuesday 12th December: 9.30am – Dress Rehearsal for Nativity Play (all children to arrive by 9.05)
Wednesday 13th December: 10.30am – Nativity Play
Friday 15th December: Christmas Party for all children from 9.05am and last day of term
Friday 5th January 2018: First day of Spring term
Friday 9th February: Pancake Party
Mon 12th to Fri 16th Feb: Half Term
Thursday 29th March: Spring Hat Parade and last day of spring term

Session Times
Monday 9.05am – 2.45pm (Pre-School children only)
(Autumn term option to finish at 1pm)
Tuesday – Friday 9.05am – 12.35pm
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons sessions end at 2.45pm

Contact Details
Village Hall telephone number: 01428 658931
Nursery mobile number: 07789 987280
Nursery e-mail: (not accessible to staff during nursery hours)
Nursery web-site:

There are currently nine members of staff at the nursery. Miss Maureen visits on Mondays for music and movement and Bollie visits on Tuesdays for Playball sessions.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sue Bartrum (am) Sue Bartrum Kate Dean Lara Butler Lara Butler
Lara Butler (pm) Lara Butler Richard Dean Kate Dean Kate Dean
Kate Dean Kate Dean Liz Juson Richard Dean Richard Dean
Richard Dean Richard Dean Jane Tims Natasha Hayes Natasha Hayes
Natasha Hayes Natasha Hayes Anna Mitchell
Jane Tims Liz Juson Yvonka Wilkinson
Yvonka Wilkinson Jane Tims  Steph Peat (pm)
 Yvonka Wilkinson
 Steph Peat  (pm)

Committee Members
This year’s committee members are currently:
Chair – Philippa Hawkins,  Secretary – Charlotte Brown,  Treasurer – Sarah Canning
The committee work very hard to run events and fundraising activities on behalf of the nursery so please do help them out with this valuable task.

Finally, a few reminders:
The Nursery is not the place for poorly children. If your child has been sick or had an upset tummy they must remain away from nursery for a minimum of 48 hours and not return until they have had a normal (for them) stool. As a general rule, children taking antibiotics should not be at nursery. Please ask us if you are unsure when your child should return to nursery after an illness.

Please keep us informed of your current contact details particularly mobile numbers. It is essential that whilst your child is at nursery someone is available to collect them in the event of an emergency. Please ensure if you are unavailable someone else is able to be contacted and collect your child.

The children are not able to play with their own toys at nursery. Soothers/comforters ie soft toys and muslins may be kept in the basket by the door, or preferably in their bags. Dummies are not allowed in nursery under any circumstances. Please do not let your children wear jewellery to nursery or bring small toys etc. As a guide children should not bring to nursery items which could fit inside a traditional 35mm film container