Spring Term 2018 Newsletter – First half of term

Posted: 11th January 2018

Spring Term 2018 Newsletter – First half of term

Welcome to the New Year. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and enjoyed the holidays.

First, a big thank you from all the staff for our lovely Christmas gifts and good wishes. Also, huge thanks to all our helpers and guests who returned to the hall following the super Nativity and joined in with our Christmas celebrations. It was lovely to see so many people and we were delighted to have raised nearly £560 for the nursery. The funds will go towards some replacement resources as things get worn out quite quickly.

Secondly, we will be welcoming four new starters and their families: Harvey, Isaac, Madeleine and Olivia. We’re sure our existing children will help them settle in to their new surroundings very quickly.

You should all have received your spring term invoice at the end of last term. These are due for payment by Friday 19th January. If you have any queries, please speak to Kate in confidence.

Arrival Time
Whilst we understand it can be tricky to juggle all the things life throws at us please can we ask everyone to arrive by 9.10 each morning. The beginning of the morning is an important part of the day where we talk about what is happening, if we will have visitors and how the morning will flow. Starting the morning together as part of a group really does help your child. If you are going to be late, or your child is not going to be coming in on their allotted day, please telephone the nursery (01428 658931) before 9.30am as it is essential for us to know your child’s whereabouts when they are scheduled to attend nursery.

Collection Book
A little reminder about children who are collected by someone other than their parent – this must be written in the collection file which is on the reception table on the green every morning. If you have a regular arrangement for your child to be collected by someone other than the parent ie a friend, childminder, grandparent, you can email us and we will make a permanent note in our records. But occasional collections must be noted formally in the book even if it is another nursery parent.

Forest School – Autumn Woods
Thanks to everyone who attended our fireworks event back in November, and those who came along to the wreath making workshop. These two events alone helped raise over £1000 towards our pot for purchasing and developing the land at Autumn Woods. More fund-raising activities are planned for this year and will be notified in due course.

During January we will be holding work days at Autumn Woods each Saturday from 10am – 3pm. We will be very pleased to see anyone who can spare a few hours to help us with coppicing, moving rubbish, laying the base for our new shelter and generally preparing the field for ploughing as soon as it dries out a little.

Monday Children
As in previous years, which has proved to be highly beneficial, we will introduce our older children to the challenges they will meet when they join their next schools. These will include the concept of changing for PE and eating hot meals.

So, first, please can you send your child in with a pair of shorts (named, of course!) to change into for the session with Miss Maureen on Mondays from now on. Staff will be on hand to help, but the idea is that the children will all be self-sufficient before they leave us. Many children will be able to dress themselves at home, but this activity is aimed to help them independently find clothes to wear from their PE bag, and to re-find clothes after the activity – it is much easier said than done!

After half term we plan to provide the Monday children with a hot lunch at a cost of £2.50/day. If you would be interested in this, please complete the sign-up sheet in reception. Envelopes will be available in which you may place your money, and these should be clearly marked with your child’s name and placed in the staff message box. Please note that if you choose to take up this option it will be for the full six weeks of the half term.

Thank you to everyone who has read the key-worker comments, and posted your own, on Tapestry. Your involvement helps us with planning for each child and we hope you enjoy reading and seeing what your children do during their time with us. If you haven’t looked recently, please do take a moment to review your child’s progress.

Helper Rota
The Spring term rota is in reception and we would really appreciate any help you can give us, even if it is just for a couple of hours in a day. The children love seeing their mums, dads, grandparents or close family members popping in to see what they get up to, whilst helping out the staff and reading to the children at the end of the day, so we look forward to seeing some of you during the spring term!

Fundraising dates coming up:
The Nursery Trustees are organising a fundraising Quiz Night to take place on the evening of Friday 23 March. More information soon but please pop the date in your diary and start organising your teams!

Following the success of the Christmas Wreath Making workshop we will be running an Easter workshop on Sunday 25 March from 11.30-1.30. More information coming soon.

Spring Hat Parade
All the children are invited to attend on the last day of term (Thursday 29th March) when we host our Spring Hat Parade. Home-made/decorated hats are to be brought in on the morning, and friends and family are welcome to join us from 9.30am to watch the parade which will be followed by an Easter egg hunt on the village green.

Advance Notice
Whole Nursery Trip to the Seaside
Our annual trip to West Wittering will be on Thursday 7th June for all children. We leave from the village hall by 9.05, spend the morning on the beach, have a special lunch then return to Grayswood by 2.45pm. Precise details will be distributed shortly, but do make a date in your diaries!

Big Family Camp Out
We will be holding a big family camp out event on the weekend of 23rd-24th June. We hope you will come and enjoy the weekend with us. More information soon but this is going to be a great weekend so pop it in your diary. It will be open to anyone to join us so perhaps you would like to gather some friends. This will be a good weekend to test out your camping equipment!

Friday 5th January: First Day of Spring Term
Monday 12th – Friday 16th February: Half Term
Friday 23rd March: Quiz Night
Sunday 25th March: Easter Wreath Making workshop
Thursday 29th March: Spring Hat Parade and last day of term
Monday 16th April: First Day of Summer Term
Monday 7th May: Bank Holiday
Tuesday 15th May: Photographer to nursery
Friday 25th May: Sports Day Monday 28th May – Friday 1st June: Half Term Thursday 7th June: West Wittering
Saturday 23rd – Sunday 24th June: Big Family Camp Out Friday 20th July: Leavers’ Day and last day of term

Session Times
Monday 9.05am – 2.45pm (Pre-School children only)
Tuesday – Friday 9.05am – 12.35pm
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons sessions end at 2.45pm

Contact Details
Village Hall telephone number: 01428 658931
Nursery mobile number: 07789 987280
Nursery e-mail address: info@grayswoodnurseryschool.co.uk
Nursery web-site: www.grayswoodnurseryschool.co.uk
NB The e-mail address is not accessible to staff whilst the nursery is in progress.

There are currently nine members of staff on the team each of whom works on different days as shown below. We also have Miss Maureen on Mondays for music and movement and Bollie for Playball on Tuesdays.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Sue Bartrum Sue Bartrum Kate Dean Lara Butler Lara Butler
Lara Butler Kate Dean Richard Dean Kate Dean Kate Dean
Kate Dean Richard Dean Liz Juson Richard Dean Richard Dean
Richard Dean Natasha Hayes Jane Tims Natasha Hayes Natasha Hayes
Natasha Hayes Liz Juson Anna Mitchell
Jane Tims Jane Tims Yvonka Wilkinson
Yvonka Wilkinson Yvonka Wilkinson

Committee Members
This year’s committee members are currently:
Chair – Philippa Hawkins Secretary – Charlotte Brown Treasurer – Sarah Canning
Fundraising – if you would like to help with our fundraising activities please talk to Kate for more information – all help very gratefully received!

Finally, a few reminders:
The Nursery is not a place for poorly children. We are a learning environment and your child needs to be well in order to engage in their learning. If your child has been sick or had an upset tummy they must remain away from nursery for a minimum of 48 hours and not return until they have had a normal (for them) stool. As a general rule, children taking antibiotics should not be at nursery. Please ask us if you are unsure when your child should return to nursery after an illness.

If you have money you need to hand in to nursery for whatever reason please place this in an envelope (there are spare envelopes available in the staff message box in reception). On the outside of the envelope please write your child’s name and what the money is for so it can be tied up later.

Please keep us informed of your current contact details particularly mobile numbers. It is essential that whilst your child is at nursery someone is available to collect them in the event of an emergency. Please ensure if you are unavailable someone else is able to be contacted and collect your child.

The children are not able to play with their own toys at nursery. Soothers/comforters ie soft toys and muslins may be kept in the basket by the door, or preferably in their bags. Dummies are not allowed in nursery under any circumstances. Please do not let your children wear jewellery to nursery or bring small toys etc. As a guide, children should not bring to nursery items which could fit inside a traditional 35mm film container.

“Children are highly confident and very motivated to learn”

Ofsted Report2016